
RSS uses Easy Chair

The window to submit an abstract has closed.

Submissions were notified in April 2024, and your full papers will be due by June 14th, 2024.

Click here to download the Paper Submission Template 

Click here to download the Extended Abstract Template

map of where abstracts came from

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Time left to submit a paper








RSS 2024 Call for Abstracts has closed.

The 9th RSS 2024 International Conference will take place on 28-31 October in Lexington, Kentucky, USA. The conference will be hosted by the Kentucky Transportation Center (KTC) at the University of Kentucky.

The Conference’s theme this year will be “Smarter Decisions Through Safety and Simulation Tools.” The program will aim to capture all recent trends in road safety emerging technologies, surrogate measures, augmented and virtual reality, big data, modeling, and simulation. Road safety experts and scientists from all over the world will join forces for a widely open discussion on both traditional and innovative solutions with high potential for traffic safety improvement.

Submission Guidelines


We welcome abstracts on all conference topics that present original research that has not been published or presented prior to the RSS 2024 conference. Abstracts are due by February 18th, 2024. Abstracts are limited to 500 words. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee, with each abstract receiving at least two reviews. Abstract review criteria will include:

  • Relevance to RSS 2024 audience and topics
  • Sufficient description of the discussed research to reach a review decision

Call for Full Papers:

Authors will be informed about their abstract acceptance by March 18th, 2024, and will be called to submit full papers following the RSS 2024 paper template format by May 18th, 2024. Please note that full papers must include research results in order to be considered for paper review. On-going studies that present preliminary results at this stage, but can guarantee to present the full results by the conference date, will also be considered for paper review.

Full paper submissions will be peer reviewed by the Scientific Review Committee. Review assignments will be based on area of expertise. Each paper will be assigned to at least two reviewers who will provide feedback on the paper content and recommendations on paper acceptance. Accepted papers will be selected either for oral presentation or poster presentation.

Paper authors will be asked to revise papers based on reviewer comments and submit a final paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings. During submission, authors have various options regarding inclusion in conference proceedings and consideration for special issues in Accident Analysis and Prevention, Advances in Transportation Studies, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, and Traffic Safety Research.

List of Topics

The RSS 2024 Conference will bring together researchers, experts and stakeholders from several multidisciplinary communities that are active in the field of road safety: from traffic and infrastructure engineers to mechanical engineers, from psychologists and human factor experts to computer science researchers. Key topics include, among others:

  • Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality
  • Behavioral Models
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Simulators
  • Big Data for Road Safety
  • Connected and Automated Vehicles
  • Crash-Based Statistical Analysis
  • Crash Causality
  • Distraction and Inattention
  • Driving Simulation
  • Education and Training
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Fitness to Drive
  • Hazard Perception
  • Human Factors
  • Machine Learning
  • Measures Impact Assessment
  • Microsimulation
  • Naturalistic Studies
  • Performance Indicators
  • Roadway Design
  • Safe Systems Approaches
  • Safety Data Analytics
  • Safety Modelling
  • Surrogate Measures
  • Vulnerable Road Users’ Safety

Important Dates

Submissions will be completed in two phases (initially abstracts and subsequently full-text papers), through the RSS website, according to the following time schedule:

Call for Abstracts 1 November 2023
Abstracts Due 18 February 2024
Notifications of Abstract Acceptance 29 March 2024
Paper Due 14 June 2024
Notifications of Paper Acceptance 18 July 2024
Final Paper and Confirmation to Present 15 August 2024



For questions about abstract submissions, please contact Nik Stamatiadis ( or Reg Souleyrette (

For general questions about RSS 2024, please send enquiries to Eric Green (